Reviews for Aloe Vera and Acne Scars
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Aloe Vera for Acne Scars?
The following information is about humans with Acne Scars
Users of this site can send their experiences of using Aloe Vera for Acne Scars.
These results are collated and displayed below followed by individual stories. You can add your experience with Aloe Vera here.
Number of Respondants: 3 - Note this is a statistically low number so results should be treated with caution
Average Rating: 5.00 out of 5
Did you feel a benefit using Aloe Vera for Acne Scars?
None of the respondents who filled out our survey said they felt no benefit.
Did you feel any adverse side effects when using Aloe Vera for Acne Scars?
None of the respondents who filled out our survey said they felt adverse side effects.
Reviews for Aloe Vera and Acne Scars with humans
These are individual stories added by users of The Aloe Vera Site or that we have found on the internet who used Aloe Vera for Acne Scars with humans.
Add your own by filling in our experience with aloe vera survey.
Gowon Queendalyn
Forever Living Products
Acne Scars
Tried it for several weeks
Had no side effects
i used aloe vera gel, aloe propolis creme, forever royal jelly, epiplanc and sunscreen. and in two weeks i saw the result.
for acne prone skin i recommend aloe vera gel, propolis creme royal jelly, a beta care absorbent sea and the use of hand and face soap.
Fruit of the Earth
Acne Scars
Tried it for several months
Had no side effects
I had a lot of bright red Acne Scars and one day I decided to put this juice in a spray bottle and started to spray my face with it pretty much all day every day. The scars turned white within a couple months, and about a year later have almost blended in with my natural skin tone. The acne pits are also filling in. I still have a little ways to go before it looks like it did before I started breaking out, but I am hopeful that in another year it will be. I am being very patient and realize that it takes time. It did work from the bottom up, and looked worse before it looked better. I stuck with it and I am so glad I did! I love Aloe and this is the only thing I put on my face now! I drink 1/2 cup two times per day.
Be patient! It will make your face turn a blotchy red if you spray directly on, but it is the blood circulating to the surface and this is temporary.
Forever Living Products
Acne Scars
Tried it for one week
Had no side effects
my face was covered with some kind of pigment and it spread down to the neck. i got the epicblanc and im still on the same tube.
if you have any skin problem like mine, i will recommend forever living products skin care. i saw result in two weeks. my face is so clear and smooth now