Aloe Vera plant

Reviews for Aloe Vera and Crohns Disease

Tell us what you know!

Have you used or are you using
Aloe Vera for Crohns Disease?

The following information is about humans with Crohns Disease

Users of this site can send their experiences of using Aloe Vera for Crohns Disease.

These results are collated and displayed below followed by individual stories. You can add your experience with Aloe Vera here.

Number of Respondants: 3 - Note this is a statistically low number so results should be treated with caution

Average Rating: 5.00 out of 5

Did you feel a benefit using Aloe Vera for Crohns Disease?

Yes, I felt a benefit with...
Aloe Elite
Forever Living Products
No, I felt no benefit with...
Yes, I felt a benefit, I used...
Fresh from the leaf
Drinking juice/gel
Tablets or capsules
Jelly, cream or lotion
I felt a benefit after trying it for...
The same day
Within the week
Within the month
Several weeks
Several months
More than a year

None of the respondents who filled out our survey said they felt no benefit.

Did you feel any adverse side effects when using Aloe Vera for Crohns Disease?

No, I felt no side effects with...
Aloe Elite
Forever Living Products
Yes, I felt side effects...
No, I felt no side effects, I used...
Fresh from the leaf
Drinking juice/gel
Tablets or capsules
Jelly, cream or lotion

None of the respondents who filled out our survey said they felt adverse side effects.

Reviews for Aloe Vera and Crohns Disease with humans

These are individual stories added by users of The Aloe Vera Site or that we have found on the internet who used Aloe Vera for crohns disease with humans.
Add your own by filling in our experience with aloe vera survey.






crohns disease


Tried it for one week

Had no side effects


I drink 1 deciliter Aloe Vera in the morning on empty stomach.


use in the case of inflammation in your body, I felt the good result within 2 weeks, but should not stop drinking it.

Review from January 2011
Anna filled out our Experience with Aloe Vera survey


United Kingdom


Forever Living Products


crohns disease


Tried it for several weeks

Had no side effects


To anyone who may not know, Crohn's disease is a severe disorder of the stomach and bowel. For me it was the cause of bouts of severe diarrhoea and stomach cramping that rendered me disabled in a sense, I was unable to work or function properly on a daily basis. My social and working life had to be planned or re-organised daily depending on my condition that day.

Serious attempts at diet change over eight years failed to help in any way. These changes varied from including or excluding 'root vegetables', 'greens', 'roughage', 'starch', 'alcohol', and 'common beverages', etc. Time passed with two operations and several changes of medication all, while they worked for a short period, on the long run brought their own problems, thus worsening my condition.

Left in a 'medical limbo', I turned to Forever Living Products, Aloe Berry Nectar as a skeptic who said, with a 60-day Money Back Guarantee, I had nothing to lose. I would now without hesitation, recommend it to anyone who would like to try a natural answer to their health problems.

Wishing you whoever you may be all the best.

Review from September 2010
Gerard filled out our Experience with Aloe Vera survey




Aloe Elite


crohns disease


Tried it for one day

Had no side effects


I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of 22. I am now 28 and have lived symptom free for the majority of this time thanks to your fantastic product. I take what I believe to be a fairly enlightened approach to health and avoid prescriptive medication if at all possible.

When my condition was first diagnosed, I was treated in the normal way with steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs. These exacerbated the very symptoms I sought to control and created a whole host of unwanted side effects. They did not make me better, only progressively worse over time. The condition became so bad at one point, I was eating liquidised food only, became extremely thin and my quality of life was so poor that the future seemed very bleak. I was absolutely desperate to find something that would alleviate the daily symptoms and give me my life back. This was when I took matters into my own hands and began looking for my own cure. I stumbled on AloeElite and was really hopeful after reading the testimonials that this could be the answer to my health problems. It was. I have never looked back and I have certainly never accepted the drugs and their terrifying side effects.

However, I have a story more powerful than this to endorse this product for anyone who might be reading and suffering with the same condition.

So that the following account makes sense, I need to explain that the severity of Crohn's disease and indeed the presence of the condition itself, is determined by what they call an "inflammatory marker" (CPR) in the blood. In a normal person, this should range between 1 and 10. In Crohn's sufferers it isn't unheard of for it to be in the hundreds. I was recently taken into hospital suffering with food poisoning which had wreaked havoc on my digestive system. I had presented in A & E with a CPR of 27 which is a little high but even so, very good for someone with my condition. To put this into perspective, when it had first been diagnosed, it was in the 60's. I was told by medical staff initially that I had appendicitis. I did not. Terrfiyingly, I had had such a bad reaction to the drugs that had been administered to deal with the symptoms of the food poisoning that my CPR had risen to 300 over that first night I spent in hospital.

As a result, the specialists were called in and I was sent for a number of scans and x-rays all of which showed severe inflammation and ulceration of the intestines and pockets of fluid that had formed around my liver and under my intestines which of course I was told was as a result of a flare up of my Crohn's. Please note that at this point, I wasn't allowed food or water so I certainly wasn't taking my regular dose of AloeElite. I was more scared than I've ever been about the state of my health and was terrifed into thinking the only way out was to accept more of the drugs that they had convinced me would save my life.

Two days later, feeling more ill than when I was taken to hospital initially, I discharged myself from this hospital. That is how much I believed in this product to get me back on track. The daily worsening abdominal pain was enough for me to know that the drugs were doing more harm than good. As soon as I arrived at home, I started on a dose of 24 capsules a day to begin to get the inflammation under control. I went to see my GP the next day and I told him what I'd done. Knowing me, he was not surprised at all. He knows I have always managed my condition without medical intervention. I asked that he give me some time to fix my body my way and that we take regular blood tests to monitor my CPR.

You can't imagine how pleased I was when the results of the first blood test came back. This test was taken three days after I'd discharged myself from hospital, so three days of taking three lots of eight capsules a day. My CPR was 11, practically normal. My GP said this was too good to be true and said it would most likely settle somewhere up in the 60's again. We repeated it a week later. My CPR was 4. THIS is a perfectly normal result.


Don't tell me you can't cure Crohn's. AloeElite can and will. I urge you to try this. On a dose of only four capsules in the morning and four at night I can now do what I want, eat what I want and live my life to the full.

Review from November 2009
Helen filled out our Experience with Aloe Vera survey
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