Natural Alternative Remedy for Psoriasis
The following information is for humans with Psoriasis
Please note this natural remedy is for:
- An adult weighing 150 lbs (68kg) - for other weights divide as appropriate (e.g. for a 75lbs child use half the amount of this remedy).
- A person eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise (alternative remedies are not miracle workers!)
What to take
We are not paid by the manufacturers below for recommending their products. The regime and recommended brands are based on past experience.

Daily use: Start on one tablespoon twice a day before meals and work up to 125 ml (4 fluid ounces) twice a day over a 2 week period and then continue on this level.
Why: Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory but it also accelerates the rate at which cells divide which will speed up the healing process of any damaged skin tissues.

Daily use: 6 capsules daily, 2 capsules before each meal
Why: Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, EPA, GLA and Omega-6 and 9 - all necessary for alleviating psoriasis.

Daily use: 3 capsules daily, 1 before each meal
Why: A powerful anti-oxidant, helps resist infections and aids in repairing and maintaining body tissue.

Daily use: Apply the gelly to the affected areas of the skin several times a day.
Why: Use if the skin has open wounds or scabs, otherwise use Propolis cream (see below). Works to reduce inflammation and accelerate skin cell regeneration. Note on its own this only acts as a temporary measure.

Daily use: Apply the cream to the affected areas of the skin several times a day.
Why: If the skin is not broken use this cream instead of gelly as a more effective alternative.
How long will it take for Aloe Vera to work with Psoriasis?
Because Aloe works from the bottom layer of the skin it will help the body build healthy skin cells which will push up and outward as well as bring the body back into balance. The external result is that the skin may look worse before it looks better but stick with it.
Recovery time will depend on the diet, other ailments and the quality of the products being used.
As a very general rule of thumb allow one month for every year of Psoriasis.
Aloe Vera Brands
People with Psoriasis have told us they used the following brands of Aloe Vera and experienced benefits:
- Other health shop brand
- Forever Living Products
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See the full results of our survey on Aloe Vera brands and Psoriasis.
Articles and Studies about Aloe Vera and Psoriasis
Management of psoriasis with Aloe Vera creamPublication: Tropical Medicine and International Health. 1996. 1(4) pp 505-509.
Author: Syed T.A.; Ahmad Ashfares; Holt, A.H.; Ahmad Seyed A.; Ahmad S.H.; Afzal M.
"The treatment was well tolerated by all the patients, with no adverse drug-related symptoms and no dropouts. By the end of the study, the Aloe vera extract cream had cured 25/30 patients (83.3%) compared to the placebo cure rate of 2/30 (6.6%)"
Author: Dr. Choonhakarn
Patients with plaque psoriasis had a greater reduction in disease activity when treated with topical aloe vera compared with a topical steroid, data from a randomized trial demonstrated. The study involved 80 patients.