Aloe Vera plant

How long does it take for Aloe Vera to work?

This varies from person to person and on the quality of the Aloe Vera. Some find success when only taking a tablespoon several times a day, others find they need to drink several glasses.

Generally it is recommended that you gradually increase the amount you take until you feel some benefit, later you can gradually reduce the amount until you find your 'maintenance' level.

As a very general rule of thumb expect it to take one month for every year you have suffered an ailment. For example if you have had arthritis for 10 years you may need to drink Aloe Vera for 10 months before you see an effect.

Timescale can also be affected by your general state of health and diet. If you have eczema, for example, but you also suffer regular colds or poor digestion it may take longer for Aloe Vera to take affect than for the same person in a better state of general health.

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